Rotterdam The Hague Innovation Airport (RHIA)

Address details:
Rotterdam Airportplein 60
3045 AP Rotterdam NL
Contact details:
Gerard Bovens
E: info@stichtingrhia.nl
W: www.stichtingrhia.nl
- Services
Location on the map:
The foundation Rotterdam The Hague Innovation Airport (RHIA) was established by Rotterdam The Hague Airport (RTHA) and the municipality of Rotterdam in May 2019. Its goal is the development of the RTHA as Next Generation Airport and thereby increasing the economic, environmental and societal value. RHIA is the testing ground for the Next Generation Airport and combines innovations for the next economy and the airport of the future. RHIA is acknowledged as testing ground by Royal Schiphol Group.
A Next Generation Airport is connected and accessible, clean, silent and circular and facilitates work, education and investments. RHIA translates this into two themes:
NEXT AVIATION: All technology that contributes to the future of aviation, for example silent airplanes and sustainable fuels, but also circular components and the optimal travel experience. Exemplary projects: Airport Technology Lab, Fieldlab Next Aviation, Synthetic Fuel and HyCargo.
NEXT CONNECTION: An airport that is both physically and digitally connected, and intertwined with the region. Think about the energy system, mobility and the labor market. Exemplary projects: Smart Energy Systems, Solar Park, Competence Centre & Learning Campus, Last Mile.
RHIA consists of a small and flexible team which collaborates with partners from businesses, governments and knowledge institutes. With their network of public and private partners they initiate new collaborations and build successful project consortiums. RHIA facilitates a unique testing ground at the RTHA where new services and products are tested under real conditions. Through this all, RHIA facilitates and accelerates new, scalable projects to export to other sectors in the region and the rest of the world.