20 december 2023

Young NAG x I&W webinar “Making Dutch aviation Strategy”

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On December 14th Young NAG hosted a webinar with The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water management on the innovation strategy.

Niek Lobé from the Ministry of Economic affairs and Climate, as well as Jan Willem van Dijk from the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management gave clear presentations describing the role of government in the Netherlands and the actions being taken. Then over 30 Young NAG members participated in the webinar and provided input on what youth can do to support the targets. Miro was used to collect the input.

Some key outcomes from the Miro for Young NAG are:

  1. Creating a platform to share, and to connect.
  2. Supporting students BSc/MSc (thesis) and student teams, potentially through an award. Young NAG will check whether they can involve I&W in this.