Info Workshop USA
On september 11th, EACP-member Niedersachsen Aviation organises the workshop: Target Market USA. This workshop, followed by a tour of the MTU Maintenance facilities in Hannover, is open for NAG members.
The United States of America are the worlds‘ largest aerospace market. Structural change and globalization are even increasing the importance for European suppliers. Despite market entry barriers, the business climate has improved in the past years. Airbus has dramatically increased its footprint in the U.S. supplier base. Boeing as well showed openness for co-operations with German suppliers. Both processes open new business opportunities for suppliers.
Regardless if a company intends to build new or to deepen existing business relationships, a well-planned preparation for the market entry is a necessary prerequisite to succeed. We invite you to an Info-Workshop „USA“ to give an overview about the challenges, opportunities and upcoming missions and events to support your US strategy. The Workshop is organized in the frame of the national Initiative „Supply Chain Excellence“.
You will learn about experiences with the development of business relations, export regulations and legal aspects in the U.S.. Furthermore we inform about upcoming missions to the South-East and Pacific North-West.
After the event you are invited to join a factory tour at the premises of MTU Maintenance Hannover. The factory in Hannover employs 1.700 people and is one of the largest of its kind in Germany. Join us for additional networking for an evening reception. The workshop will be held in English.
Find more information and the program in the downloads section at this page.
Please express your interest in particpating to:
Daan Sjerp
Business Development Manager NAG
T: +31 (0)88 1976 106
E: daan.sjerp@nag.aero
Frank Jansen
Managing Director NAG
T: +31 (0)881976 102
E: frank.jansen@nag.aero
Since NAG is part of the EACP - European Aerospace Cluster Partnership, members of NAG can join a wide range of activities of the other EACP-members.
Next to this workshop, Niedersachsen Aviation organises a trademission to the USA from november 12th to November 17th, 2017. Participation is also open for NAG Members.
Sign up for 'Info Workshop USA'
Deadline for registration has passed.
Please contact the NAG office for registration or questions.