DNW (German-Dutch Wind Tunnels)

Address details:
Postbus 175
8300 AD Emmeloord NL
Contact details:
Henri Vos
E: info@dnw.aero
W: www.dnw.aero
- Airport Development & Infrastructure
- Aircraft Maintenance
Location on the map:
The DNW-organization is a non-profit foundation under Dutch law. DNW operates its own Large Low-speed Facility (LLF) and the aeronautical wind tunnels of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and the Dutch National Aerospace Laboratory (NLR). These wind tunnels are located in Germany and the Netherlands.
The main objective of DNW is to provide the customer with a wide spectrum of wind tunnel test and simulation techniques, operated by one organization, providing the benefits of resource sharing, technology transfer, and coordinated implementation of research and development results. In this context DNW has committed:
- To be the number one provider of specialized wind tunnel services in the world. DNW will maintain and improve its attractivity to the international user community through provision of high-level technology, a flexible organization and a highly skilled team.
- To provide the wind tunnel testing capacity required by the European aerospace industry through europeanization of its own activities and structure without compromizing any of its current strengths.