SHOU Solution

Address details:
Veenendaalsestraatweg 14B
3921 EC Elst Ut NL
Contact details:
Dolf Boeschoten
E: info@shousolution.com
W: https://www.shousolution.com/
- Airport Development & Infrastructure
- Aircraft Maintenance
- Aircraft Manufacturing
- Services
Location on the map:
SHOU is the most effective cleaning system for aircraft cabin carpet and non-textile flooring. Resulting in tremendous savings on carpet replacements, improving the passenger experience and reducing carpet waste at the same time. Providing all products, tools and machines needed in order to perform the cleaning. Fully customized. We train your (external) cleaning crew how to make use of the system. No investment needed up front. Cleaning can be done onboard of the aircraft. No drying time. No sticky residue. Quick and easy. At least doubling the lifetime of your carpet. Supported by major carpet manufactures and approved according to Airbus, Boeing and Lufthansa Technik requirements.