Focus country strategies
The nature of the aerospace business is by definition strategic and for the Dutch aerospace and airport ecosystem also by definition international. It concerns multi-year market development processes and a strong interaction between government and industry. The NAG has designated six focus country for the coming years that will have a country-specific strategy.
These countries are:
- Germany
- France
- Brazil
- United Kingdom
- China
- United States of America

Germany has the third-largest aerospace & defense market in Europe, with 2020 revenues at USD 35.4 billion, following the UK and France. It is one of the biggest offset markets for Dutch companies, also in the aerospace sector. Especially in northern Germany (Hamburg and Niedersachsen areas) and in southern Germany there are big chances for collaboration and business for Dutch companies. Of course there are also opportunities with Airbus and the connected supply chain. This connects to the Memorandum of Understanding signed in February 2021 between Airbus and the NAG as representative of the Dutch aerospace sector (link NAG intern). The MoU aims to further integrate the Dutch industry in the future supply chain of Airbus’ sustainable planes from 2035 onwards. There are also new, disruptive players in the German aerospace and UAM market whom the Dutch ecosystem is interested in connecting to.

France is an important aerospace and airport market for the Dutch aerospace and airport ecosystems. Airbus is an important partner for the Dutch aerospace sector. The company produces in both France and Germany. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic the French aerospace industry grew to €74,3 billion in 2019, a respectable 13% increase over 2018. In 2020, Airbus announced that it would lay off 15.000 employees and hold down production by 40% as a reaction to the sharp downturn in demand and reshaping of the market. This had an impact on all parts of the aerospace supply chain. Airbus still has a backlog of 8,5 years.

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United Kingdom

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United States of America

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