HR Cluster

In the HR cluster we deal with themes that companies encounter and need help with. The aim of the HR cluster is to initiate an active exchange of information and knowledge between all participants. By coming together and sharing different insights, we can learn from each other. Sharing knowledge about how to deal with certain issues. We invite the professionals to propose their own themes.

Several topics have already been discussed in the sessions, such as the Corona crisis and the challenges it poses in terms of personnel. But also topics such as Business strategy = HR strategy? Often there is an imbalance in this while it should be the same. How do you deal with this and how do you ensure that you connect it better?

To prepare the events and sessions, there is a permanent working group consisting of:

Helene de Wolf

Qualitair Aviation Group

Mathijn Korf


Wilma Pronk

Project Manager National Events

As a Project Manager within the NAG, Wilma is responsible for the national events: knowledge workshops, courses, general members assemblies, segment meetings, clustermeetings etc. She also coordinates a number of international projects. Furthermore Wilma runs the office of “Lucht- en Ruimtevaart Nederland” and she is the secretary of some consultative bodies.

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Margreet Hak


Ronald Roosjen


Nathalie van der Valk

Fokker Services

How to join

Wondering if joining the HR cluster is something for you and your company? The HR cluster is for HR professionals in the Aerospace and Airport Development sector. Also the management of an organization is welcome to attend. If you have a link with the scheduled topic you are also very welcome. You can join this HR cluster by sending an email to Wilma Pronk. Participation is free of charge for NAG members. If you are not a member, the cost will be € 250 per session. If you become a member you will get a refund of this money.

Wilma Pronk

Project Manager National Events

As a Project Manager within the NAG, Wilma is responsible for the national events: knowledge workshops, courses, general members assemblies, segment meetings, clustermeetings etc. She also coordinates a number of international projects. Furthermore Wilma runs the office of “Lucht- en Ruimtevaart Nederland” and she is the secretary of some consultative bodies.

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