In 2023 we started the Cluster Sustainable Aviation Systems Technology. This SIG is a result of the Energy carriers working group with which we have organized several theme sessions over the past two years in the field of the development of hydrogen and/or electrically powered aircraft. In the meantime, so many developments are taking place in the Growth Fund program “Luchtvaart in Transitie” and the Electric Flying Connection (EFC), among others, that we have entered a new phase with regard to R&D and industrial projects. The objective of this new SIG is to use the knowledge and expertise we have with a more programmatic approach to jointly get more business from making aviation in the Netherlands more sustainable with existing, but also with new (cross-sectoral) parties. We need to prepare for a transition that is coming our way and will mean a demand for new primary and secondary propulsion systems, which will also have an operational impact on the airport infrastructure and on the way we collaborate with existing and new parties across the business ecosystem.

Jan Verbeek
Vice-chairman | ADSE
Jan is vice-chairman of the board and represents ADSE
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Peter Lucas
TU Delft

Wouter van der Linden

Eric van der Veen

Roland Grimm
Brabantse Ontwikkelings Maatschappij (BOM)

Jan-Willem Heinen
Maeve Aerospace

Stephen Hands
Conscious Aerospace | Unified International

Michiel Wevers
GKN Fokker

Wilma Pronk
SR. Policy Officer
As a Project Manager within the NAG, Wilma is responsible for the national events: knowledge workshops, courses, general members assemblies, segment meetings, clustermeetings etc. She also coordinates a number of international projects. Furthermore Wilma runs the office of “Lucht- en Ruimtevaart Nederland” and she is the secretary of some consultative bodies.
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Marcus Kremers

Arnau Castillo
Collins Aerospace

Ingrid Houthuysen
TU Delft
You can join this working group Sustainable Aviation Systems Technology cluster by sending an email to Wilma Pronk.

Wilma Pronk
SR. Policy Officer
As a Project Manager within the NAG, Wilma is responsible for the national events: knowledge workshops, courses, general members assemblies, segment meetings, clustermeetings etc. She also coordinates a number of international projects. Furthermore Wilma runs the office of “Lucht- en Ruimtevaart Nederland” and she is the secretary of some consultative bodies.
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News update on Lucht- en Ruimtevaart Nederland (LRN)
25 March 2025
From this point onward, we will be keeping you informed of developments within LRN through the NAG's monthly newsletter. In this edition, we are pleased to share the following developments with you:
Dutch ACES online session: NAG members and Vaeridion explore future aerospace technologies
13 March 2025
Yesterday, an informative online session took place between NAG members and Vaeridion, focused on lightweight structures and electric systems.