Clean Sky 2 programme is open with 72 topics
At this moment, the 7th Call for Proposals (CfP07) in the Clean Sky 2 programme is open with a total of 72 different topics which are closely linked to development programs of e.g. Rolls-Royce, Airbus, Liebherr, Safran, Leonardo, Dassault and GKN. Clean Sky 2 provides interesting opportunities in particular also to SMEs as the Call topics are typically at higher TRL and it is not required to build a consortium (a single company can respond and win).
All details on the CfP07 topics and how to submit a proposal can be found on the EU H2020 Participant Portal. More details on the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking can be found at cleansky.eu. Deadline for proposal submission is February 27th, 2018.
The NAG and NLR have made a first assessment of topics of interest for our individual members and will contact you accordingly, but do check the list of topics for yourself as well.
NLR has extensive experience in Clean Sky 2 proposals and projects and is available to discuss program background, funding rates, how to respond, success factors etc., to help you become successful in Clean Sky 2. Please contact Frank Wokke at NLR directly.