Contribute to improve the visibility of the Dutch aviation industry
Survey Year Figures 2015 / 2016
The NAG is currently gathering the year figures of 2015 and 2016 amongst the Dutch Aviation industry. The survey consists of three subjects: Aviation turnover, employees and the trends.
These results will be used to create a correct view about the current status of the Dutch Aviation industry and will contribute to represent the sector towards the (inter)national industry and governments.
The figures will be kept confidential. During the general assembly on the 17th of May 2017, the results will be presented only in a consolidated form. Furthermore the data will be converted into an official NAG publication.
Open the survey by clicking on the links below. * To fill in the survey, download and open the pdf file in Adobe Acrobat Reader DC. Please save your version and send this file to the NAG team. Thank you for your input.
Enquête jaarcijfers 2015-2016 (Dutch version)
Survey year figures 2015-2016 (English version)
For more information please contact the NAG team – Eef van Schaik or Frank Jansen at T: +31 88 1976 100 or by sending an email to E: eef.van.schaik@nag.aero.