First Global Aerospace Cluster Manager Meeting
During the 52nd Paris Air Show (19-23/06/2017), the EACP-ABROAD project organized the first Global Aerospace Cluster Manager Meeting (GACMM).
On the 23rd June 2017, 60 international cluster representatives gathered in downtown Paris after a busy week of business meetings to discuss global cluster structures and the idea of building up a global network of aerospace clusters. Industry representatives from 20 countries were present to share their expectations on international collaboration. Participating countries were Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, the Netherlands, Portugal, Russia, South Korea, Spain, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America.
During this morning, high-level key note speakers shared their views on the aerospace supply chain, research initiatives and funding systems and the engagement of cluster organizations.
Were present:
Rolf HENKE, ACARE, Chairman and DLR, Executive Board Member
Fassi KAFYEKE, Senior Director Strategic Technology and Innovation, Bombardier Aerospace
Mark WALKER, Vice President Procurement Strategy and Governance, Airbus SAS
Christophe GUICHARD, Clusters, Social Economy and Entrepreneurship, Unit DG for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, European Commission
Marc PATTINSON, General Manager, inno TSD
They welcomed the idea and motivation of EACP members to expand the activities of this European network at international level.
During the second part of the event, working groups were set up to take the opportunity to share good practices between so many different organizations. Despite having the same goal to support and catalyze the development of the local aerospace industry, all these organizations have different operating modes which processes could be helpful to share.
Participants expressed their interest in i.a. interchanging the needs of training for upcoming labor, the EACP supporting the establishment of meta clusters on other continents or creating a global cluster communication network through a project. Hence, the keystone was settled for further activities and the event was conclude on the participant’s willingness to repeat this kind of event in the future.
The EACP ABROAD project belongs to the “Clusters Go International” COSME call and is financed by the European Commission DG GROW.
To download this press release click here.
Source: EACP