13 February 2017

Early bird discount HVA Master Classes

NAG members receive an early bird discount for the next two Master Classes.

Master Class Incident Investigation (with Prof. Dr. John Stoop), 20-24 March 2017
In this highly interactive, demanding and challenging masterclass you will be introduced to the art and craft of incident investigations in all transport domains, with emphasis on railways and aviation. The masterclass is unique due to a synthesis between all phases of the investigation process: fact finding, analysis and recommendations.

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Master Class Human Factors&Safety (with Prof. Sidney Dekker), 19-23 June 2017
In this inspiring, thought-provoking and demanding master class you will be confronted with your own preconceptions about safety, accountability and retribution. The master class will include discussions about the theory, application to well-known and lesser-known cases, and ample room for reflection on your own practice.

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Promotion film