Incoming mission Myanmar
In early March NAG received a delegation from Myanmar representing the Department of Civil Aviation. The visit was set up in collaboration with the Dutch Embassy in Myanmar. The aim of the mission was to experience the innovations and solutions in the Netherlands firsthand which could inform the DCA in their steps towards building one new international airport and improve 32 national and regional airports in Myanmar.
We offered them a program that was designed to showcase different areas of Dutch expertise. After a tour of the NLR facilities and research AVIAVOX, MovingDot, M.E.P. and NACO presented their work and possible solutions specific to Myanmar. The delegation also paid a visit to Kenbri for their firefighting trucks and emergency vehicles before making their way to the other side of the country to see the innovative solutions of USE Technology. On the last day they were given a tour at Scarabee and VanderLande, mainly focusing on baggage systems and security systems.
The delegation was impressed by the different Dutch companies and areas of expertise. They returned to Myanmar with the intent to re-establish the Dutch-Myanmar relations. There will be a follow up from NAG and the Dutch Embassy in Myanmar to further strengthen these ties.