Join our Sustainability special interest group!
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Many NAG-members, sustainability affects a lot more than sustainable air transport. Where sustainable air transport and new technologies development recently drew a lot of attention with the Luchtvaart Nota form the Ministry of IenW and with the acceptance of National Growth Fund proposal (Luchtvaart in Transitie) by the committee, the attention for sustainability of our other business processes still can be better.
When you are producing or maintaining aircraft, systems & components, or provide production or airport equipment, or when you are a service provider (knowledge & expertise, logistics, HR, and other) and do not operate aircraft or produce aircraft or powerplant systems or fuels, your own business processes have to become more sustainable as well. As we know that often the room to improve is limited by airworthiness certification constraints and by the dependance on certain decisions by our customers, this does not relieve us from our own responsibilities.
The last meeting organized by the NAG sustainability working group showed that EU legislation is not only addressing the environmental impact from air transport, but also from all other business processes supplying products, materials and services to air transport. Everybody in the complete value chain eventually has to contribute. This is covered by regulations on the so-called scope 1 (impact by internal processes), 2 (impact by energy supply) and 3 (all other upstream and downstream impact) – see picture

Note: We also learned from GKN and Egmond Plastics that addressing CO2 and other emissions aligns with improving energy efficiency, and this is in the current timeframe with rising energy costs not irrelevant.
The emphasis from the EU is now on the bigger companies and financial institutions since they drive the most important decisions, but SME’s will soon be affected also, either direct or indirect, by procurement criteria from the bigger companies.
What can you do?
The NAG sustainability working group intends to set up a special interest group on this sustainability topic for our businesses to develop a more pro-active approach among the members. That is why we asked for specific Points of Contact for this topic within each member organization. We received 14 nominated PoC’s (and we have 103 members), so there is room for improvement. We also intend to work together with the board of Young NAG because enquiries by them and signals from others showed that young employees particularly express that working for a company that pro-actively addresses sustainability is favored. In a HR constrained market, this is a signal that we cannot and must not ignore.
So please join our Sustainability special interest group and its activities and learn together in how to develop practical sustainability strategies and actions for your business processes and how to engage everybody in your organization.
It is our strong belief that by doing this together we create a much bigger impact. An impact that will benefit the environment and our individual companies, both in the short term as well as in the long term.
Questions and ideas can be sent to: sustainability@nag.aero
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