On the 12th of September 2018, Lucht- en Ruimtevaart Nederland (LRN) organized a lunch workshop on sustainable aviation in cooperation with the Ministry of Infrastructure & Water Management (I & W).
LRN previously organized a workshop for civil servants of the ministries and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) with aviation in its portfolio. In that session, it was clear that both the government and the sector needed to have another talk about “sustainable aviation”. For this second workshop, civil servants were invited with sustainable aviation in their portfolio. There were about 25 participants from both the government (I & W, EZK, RVO, Defense) and the aviation sector.
The aim of the session was on the one hand to see how the government and sector can pick up the climate goals together. On the other hand, to build up a network and transfer knowledge within this specific area of interest.
During the workshop the following actions were agreed:
- LRN will examine for I & W how the capabilities of the Dutch aviation manufacturing and maintenance industry can be used to reduce CO2 in the short, medium and long term;
- In order to be able to represent the aviation sector at European level, it is important for I & W to know where the industrial interests are at a national level. LRN will supply input for this to I & W;
- There is currently no connection between the energy and aviation sector. I & W comes up with a proposal on how to establish this connection.
You can view the presentations of I & W (Presentatie Lunchsessie 12 September 2018 I&W) and LRN here.