Masterclasses & Events @ Hogeschool van Amsterdam
NAG member Hogeschool van Amsterdam (HVA) are organizing several interesting Workshops & Events in 2016 and 2017. If you are interested or need more information please contact HVA.
1st International Cross-industry Safety Conference (ICSC), Amsterdam, 3-4 November, 2016
This conference is dedicated to both practical and theoretical aspects of safety by creating a platform to disseminate and share knowledge and experience about safety within and between industry and academia. This year’s theme is “Measuring Safety” and the program covers a wide range of research and practice on the development, validation and use of safety metrics across various industries.
Keynote speakers: Prof. Neville Stanton (UK), Johan Svenningsson (SE), David M. Lindley (UK), Bart Poolman (NL)
More information: www.amsterdamuas.com/icsc
Master Class Lean MRO (in collaboration with the University of Tennessee), Amsterdam, 12-16 December 2016
Applying LEAN in the Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul environment of transport systems is significantly challenging. This five days course addresses eliminating waste, improving quality, creating flow, and enhancing responsiveness to customer needs in the MRO environment. The participants will gain insight into how to apply lean principles in the MRO world. Participant profile: managers, engineers, LEAN change agents, and others involved in implementing LEAN concepts in Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) organisations.
More information: http://www.amsterdamuas.com/lmro
Short promotion film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1nR5tS2YbI
International Aviation Career Fair (IACF), 9 December 2016, Amterdam
Promote your company to 600-800 Dutch and International Aviation students and pre-interview the best students for your vacancies!
The IACF is a yearly job, internship and education market for aviation students and professionals organised by the Aviation Academy.
More information: www.aviationcareerfair.com
Master Class Risk Assessment, 6-10 February 2017
Were you ever confronted by the unexpected effects of complexity? Results that were not anticipated, although explicable in hindsight, and revelation of interactions that you barely knew? More importantly: do you want to improve your system and become less surprised next time? Then this master class on Risk Assessment based on Prof. Leveson’s (MIT) STAMP and STPA methods is for you.
More information: www.amsterdamuas.com/mcra
Master Class Incident Investigation (with Prof. Dr. John Stoop), 20-24 March 2017
In this highly interactive, demanding and challenging masterclass you will be introduced to the art and craft of incident investigations in all transport domains, with emphasis on railways and aviation. The masterclass is unique due to a synthesis between all phases of the investigation process: fact finding, analysis and recommendations.
More information: www.amsterdamuas.com/mcii
Master Class Human Factors&Safety (with Prof. Sidney Dekker), 19-23 June 2017
In this inspiring, thought-provoking and demanding master class you will be confronted with your own preconceptions about safety, accountability and retribution. The master class will include discussions about the theory, application to well-known and lesser-known cases, and ample room for reflection on your own practice.
More information: www.amsterdamuas.com/hfs
Promotion film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZySdXfEKUU