NAG Segment Meetings, September 27th, 2019
On September 27th, 2019, the NAG segment meetings were held. We are pleased that Rotterdam The Hague Innovation Airport (RHIA) hosted this meeting at Brasserie Waalhaven at Rotterdam-The Hague Airport. The general topic of the segment meetings was ‘’Join us and develop the future of the aerospace & airport today – finding & funding the future.’’ Before the group split up into the segment meetings we had a number of presentations.
- Louis Aartman, Aviation Business Consultant Lucht- en Ruimtevaart Nederland (LRN) ‘’Sustainable aviation: business threat or business opportunity’’
- Job Rosenhart, Senior Advisor I&W DGLM, ‘’Accelerating sustainable innovations in aviation’’
- Bert Hooijer, Program director for Rotterdam-The Hague Innovation Airport (RHIA). ‘’Sustainable aviation now’’
- Olga Lubbers, Chief Engineer for project Phoenix. ‘’Project Phoenix’’
Aircraft Manufacturing
The subject of this meeting was: ‘’How do I fund my new product/innovation?’’ To support this subject, the following speakers gave a presentation:
- Karlo van Dam, Management team Innovation&Knowledge EZK “Towards mission-driven innovation policy”
- Ineke van der Hee, Program director Electric and Hybrid Flying I&W “Action Programme Hybrid Electric Aviation”
- Bert Klarus, Senior Business Developer Aerospace at InnovationQuarter “Fieldlabs & regional instruments to support innovation; some best practises in Zuid-Holland”
During this session, the discussion was focused on whether SME’s were sufficiently connected to the available instruments provided by the government. The NAG does it’s best to inform it’s members as well as we can concerning this topic, for example during this session. The NAG also makes sure SME’s are connected to the Hybride Elektrisch Vliegen action program.
Aircraft Maintenance
The subject of this meeting was: ‘’How do you deal with the dominance of Original Equipment Manufacturers(OEM’s) in the aftermarket as a maintenance company?’’ More and more business is being protected by manufacturers. MRO companies have to pay increasing amounts for licenses and the use of the OEM’s manuals. During this meeting we got insight in how you can maintain or improve your current competitive position. To get this insight we had two speakers who gave a presentation.
- Ron van Gestel, Director of Engineering at Chomalloy Holland B.V. ‘’The future of an ‘independent’ aero-engine service provider.’’
- Corné van Rooij, Program manager GEnx, ‘’How partnership could mitigate the bad effects of OEM dominance.’’ The link to Corné van Rooij’s presentation will be added later.
Airport Development & Infrastructure
The theme of this meeting was ‘’Cooperation in the field of innovation in the context of next economy, technology & sustainability.’’ Carlijn van der Wild, Innovation Lead of Rotterdam The Hague Airports introduced this topic by sharing about the possibilities of cooperation in the field of innovation in the context of next economy, technology and sustainability.
After her presentation an update of business was given by all the participants. There also was a discussion about the expectations of future sessions within this segment.