NAG takes part in the LRN election debate
On 15 February 2017 the Aerospace Election Debate will take place in Dudok in The Hague, organised by ‘Lucht- en Ruimtevaart Nederland’ (LRN). LRN composed an election pamphlet for the debate. The NAG takes part in the election debate by participating in LRN.
In this election pamphlet are the three most important items that the sector wants to tell the government. Of course, these items will be discussed during the debate between the sector and the government, in which will separately be given attention to both Space and Aeronautics. Because of a wide range of participating political parties, it promises to be an exciting debate.
Remco Dijkstra (VVD)
Henk van Gerven (SP)
Martijn van Helvert (CDA)
Suzanne Kröger (GroenLinks)
Agnes Mulder (CDA)
Henk Leenders (PvdA)
Kees Verhoeven (D66)
Jan Vos (PvdA)
Curious about the results of the debate? Keep an eye on the website of LRN after the debate on 15 February.