23 May 2018

NAG’s lunch meetings

Every two years the NAG organises lunch sessions throughout the country held at the facility of one of our member companies in order to allow for local level networking and to discuss current issues deemed relevant for the attendees.

Bi-annual lunch sessions allow NAG members to meet each other at local level as members are invited to visit a member’s facility, discuss current issues considered common, exchange experiences & views, and enjoy a facility tour by the hosting company. On the basis of feedback related to similar lunch sessions held in 2014 and 2016, the NAG has started 2018 by organising a total of some 10 lunch sessions throughout the country in order to allow members to network at regional i.e. local level.

Three topics form the focus of this year’s sessions being the effect of ongoing consolidation of the aerospace supplier base, the war for talent, and how the NAG can play a role in your marketing efforts. On the basis of the first sessions it can be concluded that consolidation requires flexibility from the supply chain to adapt to changing requirements, that the war on talent drives companies to be more creative in their recruiting, and that the NAG can provide customised support to enhance our members’ marketing efforts. The experiences, challenges and solutions brought forward by our members during these sessions will be anonymised & bundled in order to be shared at a later stage.

The first lunch sessions have been held with many more to come so watch your inbox in case an invitation comes your way.