19 November 2018
NDT level II/II Expert Day at Gate2 Rijen on November 13th 2018
On 13th November 2018 the Netherlands Aerospace NDT-board (NANDT) organized a well-visited NDT level II/III Expert day with almost 70 participants.
This year’s focus was on “the future of Aerospace”. During lunch the participants could visit the market place to meet NDT-suppliers and -manufacturers showing the latest novelties.
The program consisted of six lectures:
- “Human factors in surface NDE, physiological aspects & visual ergonomics” by Mr. Jaap van der Lei, senior engineer, level 3 at Line Services
- “Applying NDT on composite repair form a customer’s perspective” by Edwin Smarius, Quality Manager at Specto Services Woensdrecht
- “Certification of NDT-personnel in the Aerospace Industry and the roll that the NANDT fulfills and or can fulfill” by Pieter Troost, Senior NDT Manager Tiat Europe bv
- “Implementation Specific Safety Guide-11/New BS radiation safety 2018” by Mr. André Elling, NDT Engineer Tiat Europe bv
- Innovation in the field of ultrasonic 3d camera’s” by Thomas Berg de Jose, Sales Director at Dolphitech
- 3D Metal Printing and the challenges it creates for Non-Destructive Testing in Aerospace” by Rob van Loon, Additive Manufacturing Specialist at KMWE
The meeting was concluded with a network drink.