22 December 2020

New member: aXite Security Tools

We interviewed Bert Willemsen, EVP Cybersecurity at aXite Security Tools. They recently joined the NAG as member.

Who are you?
Bert Willemsen, EVP Cybersecurity at aXite Security Tools.
Bert is consulting airports on security challenges in the field of airside, landside, security and cybersecurity. He is member of the ACI Europe Aviation Security Committee. He has been involved in several optimization projects of Security Checkpoints at airports in Europe. He has a strong view on how to integrate the security process in the design of the passenger journey. He has experience in the field of industrial cybersecurity strategies and cyber risk management. He is experienced in implementing and defining cyber security strategies throughout organizations, including airports.

Bert introduced Location Based (cyber)Security, with focus on the Baggage Handling System (BHS) and introduced a practice about creating a platform for sharing information and knowledge to defend airports against cyber and terror attacks. This initiative is translating general best practices into solutions against specific risks in determined areas.

What does aXite Security Tools do?
aXite Security Tools has its specialization to the field of Industrial cybersecurity. It concerns OT / ICS cybersecurity and the company is involved in various companies with cybersecurity solutions for vital and non-vital infrastructure.

aXite Security Tools is i.e. World Business Partner of Airport Council International (ACI) and member of the (cyber)security committee Europe and partner of The Hague Security Delta (HSD).

aXite Security Tools has developed a system to monitor data communication at the lowest level at a specific location / position within (industrial) environments. This solution could be used for production sites or critical infrastructure.

aXite Security Tools improves (cyber)security and production processes using expertise of:

  • Production processes;
  • IT, OT, IIoT and embedded systems;
  • Big Data;
  • Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning.

Why do you choose the NAG?
The NAG has its main focus on Aerospace and Airport business and this has a perfect fit with the background and experience of aXite Security Tools people and partners.