Report first meeting SIG Artificial Intelligence (AI)
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On February 15th, the first meeting of the Special Interest Group (SIG) Artificial Intelligence (AI) took place. Thanks to Stephen Hands, Senior Associate and Luca Casciola, Aviation Consultant and BI Analyst of Unified International for hosting and chair the meeting and taking the initiative to start this SIG.
The meeting started with an introductory presentation by Luca who showed the baseline of the different topics of AI. Which sparked quite a bit of discussion. After that there were two presentations by: Jan Verbeek Partner Knowledge Management and Innovation at ADSE “development & certification challenges of AI” and Bart Vredebregt, CEO and founder Aiir Innovations “AI assistance with borescope inspection of engines”.
After that there was a discussion about what we want to do with the SIG together and the next steps were agreed. The SIG will meet 3 times a year. A good start of the SIG with 15 participants. Are you interested in joining the SIG AI? Please contact Wilma Pronk wilma.pronk@nag.aero.
For more information about the next steps and the presentations see the attachment.
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