12 October 2021

Second event RHIA & NAG about Hydrogen


On Thursday October 7th, 2021, NAG & Rotterdam the Hague Innovation Airport (RHIA)  organized the second event about Hydrogen.

The aim of this event was to include SMEs, in particular to identify their potential role in the transition of the market to aircraft with hydrogen-based propulsion and to help to focus their R&D and business development activities on this and to identify cooperation opportunities, networking, forming consortia and discover ideas for follow-up sessions.

The event started with a welcome of the host of the meeting: Stephen Hands, managing director Technology Park Ypenburg (TPY).

Jan Verbeek, Vice-chairman at NAG/ Partner Knowledge Management and Innovation acted as chairman of the day.

The following presentations have been given:

After the presentations the participants had the opportunity to participate in one of the three following workshops to ask in-depth questions: 1. HAPPS & Dutch H2 Hub business opportunities, 2. Shell/Linde hydrogen supply side, 3. Government policies and implications. The chairmen of the workshops gave a plenary wrap up of the workshops.

Finally Job Rosenhart gave a brief overview of the government program components & instruments that are available for hydrogen.

During the network drink the participants discussed about the possibilities of cooperation and several new connections were made.

NAG and RHIA are considering a follow-up meeting on hydrogen. Among other things, there was a lot of interest in a follow-up meeting on certification.

The event was made possible by a TKI HTSM grant.