Strengthening Dutch-Canadian aviation ties for innovation and collaboration
The NAG is currently exploring a new collaboration between the Dutch aviation ecosystem and Canada. As part of this effort, we were pleased to organise a series of company visits for a Dutch-Canadian delegation of officials. The aim of the day was to provide our guests with a first-hand look at the Netherlands’ innovative and collaborative aviation ecosystem.
Company visits and key insights
The delegation included Ambassador in Ottawa Margriet Vonno, Consul-General in Toronto Harman Idema, Consul-General in Vancouver Sebastiaan Messerschmidt, Senior Advisor International Business Development Canada and United States at RVO Maikel Walker, as well as trade specialists Adam Barbolet and Fanny Bousquet from the Canadian embassy in the Netherlands.
The day began at Aeronamic in Almelo. Representatives Steffen de Vries, Paul Rusch, and Reinoud Siezen introduced the company’s expertise in high-speed e-compressors through a presentation and guided tour. The visit highlighted advanced aerospace component manufacturing capabilities.
The programme continued at NLR (Netherlands Aerospace Centre) in Marknesse. Frank Wokke, Jan Terlingen and Erik Wegkamp provided an overview of NLR’s high-tech testing facilities, supporting research and development across the aviation sector. The delegation explored cutting-edge testing environments, followed by a visit to DNW, German-Dutch Wind Tunnels, one of Europe’s most advanced wind tunnel facilities operating at near-full capacity year-round.
Industry discussions and collaboration opportunities
The final session focused on industry engagement. A roundtable discussion and company pitches featured Conscious Aerospace, Hive Aerospace Collective, MEP Voice Communication Systems, NACO – Netherlands Airport Consultants and Unified International. Representatives Stephen Hands, Sander van Nieuwenhuijzen, Werner van Eck and Taco Spoor presented insights on their respective areas of expertise, exploring potential collaboration opportunities.
Next steps in Dutch-Canadian cooperation
With strong interest from both sides, NAG is identifying specific areas for cooperation between Dutch and Canadian aviation industries. Companies seeking business development opportunities in Canada are encouraged to connect with NAG. Further updates will follow as discussions progress.
Contact us and stay tuned for further updates!