Workshop “Government and aviation sector together on the international market” on May 24, 2018
On May 24, Lucht- en Ruimtevaart Nederland (LRN) organized a first workshop with civil servants of the various ministries and RVO with aviation in their portfolio. The aim of the session was mainly: getting acquainted, linking the government/sector network and understanding each other in which context we work. On the basis of a number of practical examples, LRN briefly outlined the importance of cooperation between government, industry and knowledge institutes in international business in the aviation sector. There was also plenty of time for interaction and discussion.
During the session, the 25 civil servants present also indicated which subjects they would like to discuss with the sector.
Unfortunately, there was too limited time to discuss all these topics. It is therefore certainly the intention to organize follow-up sessions at companies/knowledge institutions in the sector or in the form of lunch sessions at the various departments.