FIDAE Chili (3-8 April) Holland Pavilion
In corporation with the NAG the Netherlands Industries for Defence and Security (NIDV) will organize a Holland Pavilion/ foothold at the FIDAE which takes place from 3 – 8 April 2018. Dutch companies can represent themselves at this important International Air and Space Fair, which is the foremost aerospace, defence and security exhibition of Latin America. The FIDAE has become the most important business platform of the region due to its long and successful experience.
Event: FIDAE
Date: 3 – 8 April 2018
Location: Santiago, Chile
Participation: Holland Pavilion/ Foothold
The FIDAE is the most important Aerospace, defence and security exhibition in Latin America. This event offers an unique platform for the industry and governments with an high level conference and B2B events.
Poster NAG participant: € 2.750,- excl. VAT,
It is also possible to have your own booth in the Holland Pavilion. Price per m2 to determined.
Participation with a Holland Pavilion/foothold will be a fact. A limited number of participants is not required.
Please contact Peter Huis in ‘t Veld (peter.huisintveld@nidv.eu, tel: 070-3644807) or Mikel Vogels (mikel.vogels@nag.aero or +31 88 1976 105 ) from the NAG office for more information.