20 September 2023


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On September 19th, an online meeting took place about a joint NAG pilot to jointly develop a pragmatic reporting method on the sustainability impact of business processes and how to manage improvements.

During this meeting, the Stimular Foundation gave a presentation about the possibility of participating in a NAG pilot to start learning about a reporting method called “de milieubarometer” (see presentation below).

In addition, a presentation was given by GKN Fokker in which it is clearly highlighted (see presentation below), that increasing legal and societal forces on the industry drive reporting requirements on the environmental footprint of their business processes (including suppliers) and on their improvement activities.

These requirements will also affect SMEs (also from a supplier selection perspective), so as NAG we think our members have to start preparing for this as soon as possible. Particularly measuring CO2 and other greenhouse gases is often not that straightforward, so starting now and learn from each other seems appropriate. We would like to hear from you whether or not you are interested in participating in the pilot.

For more questions/interest please contact wilma.pronk@nag.aero.