10 October 2024

Webinar Task Force 3D “.3D Printing of Continuous Fiber Composites”

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On October10th the NAG Task force 3D hosted its third webinar. This time the focus was on 3D Printing of Continuous Fiber Composites. Continuous fibers create new applications in unique lightweight structural components as well in hybrid manufacturing of composite and metal parts.

Mr. Maik Titze, Deputy head of the department for Innovation at the German Aerospace Center, shared the latest developments in Additive Composite structures in his presentation “Additive Functionalization”. Overprinting topology optimized printed fibre reinforced structures on thermoset shells enables lightweight structural solutions for aerospace. And utmost important, in-line quality assurance, thermography and simulation was applied, easing certification.

Mrs. Tessa ten Cate, Senior Scientist at the Brightlands Material Center, shared the Multhem project in the presentation Additive Manufacturing of structural components with improved thermal management. Embedding carbon fibers in polymers also improves thermal conductivity with improved mechanical properties. The concept has been proven in the design of an electrical motor housing for future passenger drone vehicles.

In the last session, Mr. Marc Crescenti, founder and CTO of REINFORCE3D presented the CFIP Technology. A new manufacturing concept wherein continuous fibers injected into cavities improve strength with upto 69.% weight reduction compared to other AM technologies.

Follow-us for the next webinars were we will focus on AM-material innovation in aerospace, applications and certification.