

Aero Engine Forum Birmingham 2017

6 March 2017

Aero Engine Forum Birmingham, 18 - 20 April 2017, is a supply chain event that brings together engine makers and first-tier systems makers with the entire aerospace supply chain. NAG members receive a 10% discount on the normal price for day…

Lucht- en Ruimtevaart Nederland (LRN)

Quieter Aircraft reduces disturbance Schiphol

21 February 2017

In response to the Election debate from the 15th of February, Lucht- en Ruimtevaart Nederland (LRN) has issued a press release. Because of new (Dutch) innovations low-noise aircrafts can be built, which makes the expansion of airpor…

Lucht- en Ruimtevaart Nederland (LRN)

Politics wants to invest in Aerospace

16 February 2017

On February the 15th the Aerospace election debate took place in Dudok The Hague. In anticipation to the debate Lucht- en Ruimtevaart Nederland (LRN) has spread an

PBSim B.V. and NDF Special Light Products B.V., 2 spin-off’s starting a co-operation

14 February 2017

PBSim B.V. and NDF Special Light Products B.V. are proud to announce that they have reached an agreement to further intensify their co-operation in the coming years. Both companies are a spin-off of large multinationals; PBSim originates from Tulip C…

Early bird discount HVA Master Classes

13 February 2017

NAG members receive an early bird discount for the next two Master Classes. Master Class Incident Investigation (with Prof. Dr. John Stoop), 20-24 March 2017 In this highly interactive, demanding and challenging masterclass you will…

Kick-off for possible joint activities on Brazilian market

8 February 2017

On January 31st the NAG organised a round table to discuss activities for the Brazilian aerospace and airport sector. The meeting was supported by Nasrat Popal of the Netherlands Enterprise Agency and NAG’s representative in Brazil, Marcelo C…

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