

Attend guest lecture René van Doorn at University of Utrecht

12 September 2016

Our chairman, RenĂ© van Doorn, will this year again give his lecture at the University of Utrecht for the Master programme Economic Geography of the faculty Geosciences. The lecture will be abo…

The Dutch well represented at the Farnborough International Airshow!

27 July 2016

From Monday 11 until Sunday 17 July the Farnborough International Airshow (FIA) took place in Farnborough, the United Kingdom. Once again the NAG was represented at the most important Airshow for 2016 with 20 Dutch companies at…

Airfi appoints Avio-Diepen as worldwide distributor of Airfi compact portable self scaling onboard Wi-Fi network system

12 July 2016

Avio-Diepen has been appointed by AirFi for the sale and worldwide distribution of the AirFi Box, a compact portable Wi-Fi streaming solution that requires no aircraft modification enabling customers to connect their personal e…


Report seminar IP & Export Compliance towards the Chinese Aviation Market

1 July 2016

As part of the program D2RAGON the NAG organized a one-day seminar on IP & Export Compliance on June 28th, 2016 at the Netherlands Aerospace Centre (NLR) in Amsterdam. About 25 members that are already active or interested…

Invitation: Airbus Group Airnovation Summer Academy @TU Delft

16 June 2016

You are cordially invited to the closing session of the Airbus Group Airnovation Summer Academy @ TU Delft. TU Delft and Airbus Group are excited to invite you, as a valuable partner, to the c…

Review on NAG General Assembly at Hogeschool Inholland Delft

6 June 2016

On Wednesday, 25th of May the General Assembly of the NAG took place. This time we were guests at Hogeschool Inholland Delft, a not far from the new NAG office in Delft (Molengraaffsingel 10). General Assembly

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