Aero Engine Round Table Innovation in Inspection
On Wednesday June 28, 2017 from 13.00 h to 17.00 h (location KLM E&M - Schiphol) the NAG (in cooperation with DGTA) organizes the Aero Engine Round Table with the theme "Innovation in Inspection".
In addition to the need for a more efficient and effective repair of the existing generation of aircraft engines, the use of new material types in the next generation aircraft engines require new inspection methods.
The “Innovation in Inspection” Round Table aims at the collecting of existing & new inspection techniques and the identification and employability of possible efficiency improvements in these inspection techniques.
The following key-note speakers will give introductory presentations based on their own business experiences:
- Jacques van den Elshout (KLM E&M – Senior Engineer) – presentation “Engine Component Inspection – innovation through automation”
- Pieter Troost (TIAT – Senior NDT Manager) & Rutger van Duijn (Dacon – Sales Engineer) – “Borescope & Other Inspection Techniques – past, present & future”
During the round table discussion we try to answer the following questions, following the key-note presentations:
- Which inspection techniques are used for the inspection of engine parts?
- Which inspection techniques will be necessary in the future for the inspection of engine parts?
- How can the efficiency of inspection techniques be increased?
- To which inspection techniques could automation / robotization be applied?
Guided Tour
KLM E&M offers the opportunity to participate in a tour through the Engine Shop where maintenance is taking place on CFM56, GE90, and PW4000 aircraft engines.
If you are interested in participating the Aero Engine Round Table, please contact E: eef.van.schaik@nag.aero; Phone +31 (0) 88 1976 100. He will send you at a later time a personal invitation* with further information about the program, the other participants, and directions to the location.
There is no participation fee for this workshop. This event is made possible by the TKI's contribution within the HTSM top sector.
* your final registration will be comfirmed only after screening.
Sign up for 'Aero Engine Round Table Innovation in Inspection'
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