opening new office
We are pleased to announce that we have officially moved to the World Trade Center in The Hague. The NAG, Lucht- en Ruimtevaart Nederland and Luchtvaart in Transitie are co-locating offices to leverage our collaboration and synergy. To celebrate this significant milestone, we warmly invite you to join us for the grand opening of our new office on Thursday, 29 August at 16:00.
To celebrate this significant milestone, we warmly invite you to join us for the grand opening of our new office on Thursday, 29 August. We are honoured that Saskia Bruines, Alderman for Finance, Economic Development, and Culture for the municipality of The Hague, will perform the opening ceremony.
Start of reception
Welcome by:
- Frank Jansen, director NAG,
- Ron van Manen, Director Luchtvaart in Transitie
- Aad Veenman, director Lucht- en Ruimtevaart Nederland
Brief presentations by municipal, provincial and national government on the importance of sustainable aviation and the establishment in The Hague:
- Niek Lobé, Head of Unit Aerospace & Space Policy at the Ministery of Economic Affairs
- Ton Jonker, domain director of Economy & Energy at Province of South Holland
- Saskia Bruines, alderman for Finance, Economic Development and Culture of The Hague
Opening by NL Aviation Plaza by Saskia Bruines, followed by a toast
End of event
This event is an excellent opportunity to celebrate our move, network with colleagues and partners, and explore our inspiring new workspace. We will ensure a festive atmosphere with delightful snacks and drinks.
Registrations are coming in, so make sure you sign up if you haven't done so yet.
For more information please contact Wilma Pronk at wilma.pronk@nag.aero
We look forward to welcoming you to our new office!
Warm regards,
Frank Jansen - NAG
Ron van Manen - LiT
Aad Veenman - LRN
Sign up for 'opening new office'
Deadline for registration has passed.
Please contact the NAG office for registration or questions.