Segment Meetings – Aircraft Maintenance
We would like to invite you for the NAG’s segment meetings on Thursday February 13th, 2020 from 11:30 – 17:30. We are pleased to announce that Vanderlande Industries B.V. will host this meeting. Vanderlande is located at Rooseveltlaan 1 in Veghel.
The purpose of the segment meetings is to share knowledge and discuss current topics within your segment. This edition of the segment meetings will have the theme: “Innovations and barriers”.
Without going too much into the specifics, the program will be as follows
11:30 Welcome and registration
11:45 Lunch and network opportunity
12:30 Get informed at the plenary session
- Welcome by Mark Lakerveld, Executive Director Global Markets Vanderlande Industries
- Presentation by Iason Onassis, Head Of Industry Consulting Philips Innovation Services "Philips is now primarily a Healthcare / MedTech company, so we know what it's like to innovate in a highly regulated environment"
- Presentation by Kim van Straten, contractmanager Rijkswaterstaat Grote Projecten en Onderhoud "Engineering the future: a joint concern"
13:15 A well-deserved break
13:30 Meeting your segment - segment meetings
15:15 Wrap up of the day
15:30 Tour Innovation Center Vanderlande
16:30 Networking Drink
17:30 End of the program
Regardless of in which segment you are active, you are free to participate in a topic that appeals to your company. Interested in more than one of the sessions? Feel free to sign up your colleagues! The more, the merrier!
Aircraft Maintenance
“Is innovation in MRO faced with a Mexican standoff”
OEM’s versus Independents = how to break the deadlock.
Innovation in MRO seems to come to a standstill as neither independent MRO service providers nor OEMs have an incentive to innovate any more. Any innovation by an independent MRO service provider needs the blessing of an OEM nowadays (and thus will be copied) whereas an OEM may focus more on selling new products with its respective spare parts. Are thus independent MRO service providers and OEMs locked in a Mexican standoff when it comes to innovation ? We will hear the experiences of SAMCO (truly independent airframe MRO service provider), Aeronamic (semi-independent), and Fokker Landing Gear (OEM as well as MRO service provider) to test whether or not the MRO industry is still willing & able to innovate for the benefit of the end-customer.
Moderator: René van Doorn, chairman of the NAG
- Presentation by Gerard Janssen, General Manager Aeronamic Services "Innovation, the differentiator within a traditional MRO arena!"
- Presentation by Erwin van Straten, Sales & Business Development Manager MRO at Fokker Landing Gear B.V. "MRO from Sunrise to Sunset!"
Afterwards you will have the opportunity to share your own expertise/experience to this topic during the discussion.
We look forward to welcome you at Vanderlande Industries in Veghel on February 13th, 2020
Sign up for 'Segment Meetings – Aircraft Maintenance'
Deadline for registration has passed.
Please contact the NAG office for registration or questions.