Aero Engine Round Table “Additive Manufacturing trials & tribulations”
The NAG (in close cooperation with the DGTA) organises an Aero Engine Round Table on Thursday October 3rd 2019 from 13:00 – 17:00 hrs at Additive Industries in Eindhoven with the theme “Additive Manufacturing – trials & tribulations”. An Aero Engine Round Table session characterises itself by featuring a limited number of selected participants, bringing together subject matter experts, and having key note speakers addressing a contemporary topic followed by a plenary discussion involving all attendees. This guarantees a focused exchange of experiences and high quality of discussion, thus ensuring a high return-on-time-invested for you as invitee.
In recent years the metal- & composite manufacturing industry considered additive manufacturing (also known as 3D printing) as a technology with unlimited potential regarding freedom-of-design in combination with a shortening of time-to-market of the products thereby produced. A number of manufacturing companies and knowledge institutes active in the Dutch aerospace industry have investigated and experienced the possibilities & impossibilities of additive manufacturing for new production as well as repair of existing products. This has led to a number of lessons learned in regard to design strategy, material application, feasible types of additive manufacturing technologies, and related additive manufacturing production equipment.
The purpose of the “Additive Manufacturing – trials & tribulations” Round Table is to share these lessons learned and thereby to establish an overview of additive manufacturing strategies in terms of practicality (horses for courses) for current as well as future users.
The following key-note speakers are providing presentations based on their company’s experience:
- Daan A.J. Kersten (Additive Industries – CEO) = “Industrial 3D metal printing for production of functional parts in aerospace and automotive: observations & experiences”
- Wilma van den Oever (KLM E&M – Change Manager) = “Building design engineering capability via 3D printed tools at KLM Engineering & Maintenance”
- Stéphane Escalier (Additive Industries – Business Development Director) = “Let AM fly!”
The following questions will be addressed during the round table discussion following the key-note presentations:
- what type of additive manufacturing technologies are of interest for the aerospace industry?
- what have we learned from actual applications in terms of practicality and economics?
- at what point in time would additive manufacturing become a competitive discriminator for specific product applications, and what printing method would then be most advisable to use?
Guided Tour
Additive Industries provides you with the opportunity to participate in a guided tour of their production facility where 3D printers are designed & manufactured for the aerospace, automotive, and medical markets.
There is no participation fee for this Aero Engine Round Table. This event is made possible by a topsector HTSM TKI grant.
NOTE: if you cancel your participation within 5 days before the round table 50 euros will be charged.
More information
For more information or questions about this event please contact: Wilma Pronk, wilma.pronk@nag.aero / +31 88 1976 103
Sign up for 'Aero Engine Round Table “Additive Manufacturing trials & tribulations”'
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Please contact the NAG office for registration or questions.