General Assembly
Our General Assembly will take place on Wednesday 17th of May from 12:00 to 21:00. This year, our host is NLR, Anthony Fokkerweg 2, Amsterdam.
The day starts with the General Assembly in which we present the Final Accounts of the NAG for approval. We will talk about the progresses in the NAG activities. The Assembly ends with a presentation by a to be announced speaker.
After the General Assembly, we offer you the opportunity to discuss current topics with colleagues within your segment during the segment meetings.
12.15 Welcome with lunch
13.00 Segment meetings
- Aircraft Maintenance
- Aircraft Manufacturing
- Airport Development & Infrastructure
14.30 Coffee break + pitches by NLR
15.00 General Assembly
16.00 Plenary speakers
- Michel Peters, Innovation in the Aviation industry
- Jochen de Vet, Cyber Security
17.00 Dinner and drinks
21.00 End of program
Just like previous Assemblies, we offer you the opportunity to discuss current topics with colleagues within your segment. These segment meetings will last 90 minutes and provide an open arena for exchange of thoughts in an inspiring set-up. If issues of specific interest come up during the discussions, NAG can plan for additional meetings to continue the discussion.
What will impact the current business models of the Airport companies?
This meeting will provide you with a chance to strengthen your ties with the other members. Members are invited to share their recent insights, experiences, achievements and current projects. In addition, we would like to let you think about what will impact the current business models from member companies of the NAG. To do so, we have invited Louis Aartman to lead the discussion and three innovative managers of Dutch regional Airports.
How can we secure the future for MRO activities in The Netherlands?
We will discuss the trends in availability of qualified personnel, European level playing field and regulations for the MRO sector. This goes for Aircraft MRO but also for components maintenance. Can technology development help us to maintain a growing MRO sector in The Netherlands which is currently around 2 Billion Euro’s annually? All these subjects will be discussed with the support of a forum existing of specialists from Aircraft MRO, Engines MRO, Components MRO and education and training. The CvBLO has recently conducted a study about required personnel for the coming years. During this session the CvBLO will unveil the first results of this study.
Earning money with innovation: do’s & don’ts.
The purpose of this meeting is to raise awareness of the possibilities within the EU and the Netherlands and programs for R&D and innovation-projects support. Pim Kat, Technobis Fibre Technologies, is going to talk about the best practices to use EU-instruments in a smarter way and become an Airbus technology supplier. Pim Kat is going to lead the public into a discussion, under the moderation of Jan Verbeek, a NAG Board member, towards raising awareness of the Dutch supply chain to keep up with innovation in order to hold and/or improve its supply chain position as a co-creator, not as a ’build-to-print’ low cost supplier.
We will suggest your participation in one of the Segments which matches your companies main activity. However you may change during the event. If there is interest from your company to participate in multiple sessions, feel free to sign up your colleagues.
You will receive additional documents, information about the location and directions soon.
Please contact Lotte Duvekot if more information is required.
E: lotte.duvekot@nag.aero or T: +31 (0)88 1976 100.
Sign up for 'General Assembly'
Deadline for registration has passed.
Please contact the NAG office for registration or questions.