Meeting HR-cluster with an inspiring workshop. Especially for you!
We would like to invite you for the HR-cluster meeting “Helder Kijken” on March12th 2024 from 13:00 – 17:00. We are pleased to inform you that we will be the guest of Fokker Services Group in Hoofddorp.
Purpose workshop
In this unique workshop “Helder Kijken” (Seeing clearly) you will learn a different way of looking at others. Jitske Koeleman, an expert in the field of non-verbal communication, will show you how you can connect even more effectively with those around you.
Why is this interesting for you?
In the inspiration session Helder Kijken, you will learn to experience how valuable it is to look at the other person (existing and new employees) with an open, curious mind and postpone your judgment. Body language and facial expressions contain a wealth of information. Information that leads the way to more understanding, a fantastic collaboration, better results, and more effective communication.
Research conducted by the University of Amsterdam shows that someone’s facial expressions are linked to their personality and communication preferences, and thereby helps us predict people’s behavior. This paves the way to understanding and connecting with people in your work and private life.
Target audience
HR-managers and HR-employees
Registration and coffee/tea
Welcome and introduction by Nathalie van der Valk, Director People & Culture Fokker Services en Techniek
Workshop “Helder Kijken” by Jitske Koeleman, owner Helder Kijken
“Rondje langs de velden”
It's nice to be able to share what's on your mind at the moment!
- What themes do you encounter in your work?
- On which topics do you need help/advice from others?
Network drink
End of meeting
The NAG will not charge any costs for participating NAG members.
For non-NAG members the price is €250,- (ex VAT) per participant which will be returned in case of becoming a member in 2024.
Fokker Services Group
Hoeksteen 40
We hope to welcome you in this HR-cluster session on March 12th at Fokker Services Group in Hoofddorp.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at wilma.pronk@nag.aero.
Sign up for 'Meeting HR-cluster with an inspiring workshop. Especially for you!'
Deadline for registration has passed.
Please contact the NAG office for registration or questions.