[Online Meeting] Aerospace meets High Tech – Far-reaching chain integration
We would like to invite your for the online workshop Aerospace meets High Tech “Far-reaching chain integration”.
When: December 7th
Time: 13:00 – 14:30
Where: Online!
The workshop is hosted by the Brabant Development Agency (BOM) in close cooperation with Brainport Industries, KMWE and the NAG.
There are various models / examples of far-reaching chain integration. What can you do as a company to respond to this?
During this session we aim to explore various models of far-reaching supply chain integration. Which trends exists and which different models are there? What is the role of digitalization? How can high-tech aerospace suppliers adapt to these changes?
There are different outsourcing models in the aerospace industry, ranging from build-to-print to the full outsourcing of design, development and manufacturing. These models have evolved in recent years, with different manufacturers taking different approaches. The need remains to establish long-term relationships, e.g. for configuration management and maintenance, but there is also the challenge of adapting to different outsourcing models of different vendors.
Digitalization is an important element in all of this with high-tech suppliers joining forces in the Smart Connected Supplier Network initiative to streamline data flows between partners in the supply network.
Where will this take us in the future? Which options should be explored and what actions can organizations undertake today to meet future requirements?
Welcome and introduction of the topic by Matthijs Punter, researcher Smart Industry at TNO and the Smart Connected Supplier Network (SCSN) initiative of high-tech suppliers
Presentation by Toine Verbruggen, Senior Vice President Procurement GKN Aerospace
Wrap up & next steps
And now get started! End of program
Matthijs Punter will be the chairman of the webinar.
This online workshop “Aerospace meets high tech” is made possible by a topsector HTSM TKI grant.
If you have any further questions please send an email to Wilma Pronk at wilma.pronk@nag.aero or reach her by phone +31653177571.
We look forward to welcoming you to the online meeting Aerospace Meets High Tech on December 7th, 2020!
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