[Online Meeting] Hydrogen
The NAG in cooperation with Rotterdam the Hague Innovation Airport (RHIA) would like to invite you for an [online] event about Hydrogen on June 3rd, 2021 from 15:00 – 17:00pm.
Hydrogen for sustainable aviation is becoming a hot topic in recent years. Both academia and industry worldwide are diving into this topic. In this interactive session (with follow up sessions) we will provide you with the latest insights on the developments of hydrogen technology in the aviation sector and together we will explore the future of the upcoming disruption.
The aim is to gain more insights in hydrogen, getting some inspiration, networking, forming consortia and discover ideas for follow-up sessions.
15:00 Welcoming
- Jan Verbeek, Vice-chairman at NAG/ Partner Knowledge Management and Innovation at ADSE
Introduction Rotterdam the Hague Innovation Airport (RHIA)
- Miranda Janse, Director at RHIA
15:20 Towards a hydrogen economy
- Peter Lucas, Innovation Manager Hydrogen at TU Delft
15:35 Future of hydrogen in aviation
- Maurice Boon, Consultant at ADSE
15:50 Mobility fund – Technology for Hybrid-Electric Aviation
- Renko Overmeen, Director Programs at Aeronamic
16:05 Flying with Hydrogen Aircraft (Hydra-II)
- Roel van Benthem, Senior R&D Manager at Royal Netherlands Aerospace Centre
16:20 Opportunities and challenges in the development of electric liquid hydrogen propulsion systems for aviation
- Jan-Willem van Zwieten, Team Manager at AeroDelft
16:35 Wrap-up + Closing
17:00 End
Jan Bos, Marketing Manager Civil Aerospace Industry at Royal Netherlands Aerospace Centre, will be the moderator of the chat.
Target group
Everyone who has an interested in hydrogen and aviation.
Participation is free.
We hope to see you on the 3rd of June to discuss the future of hydrogen in aviation.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Wilma Pronk at wilma.pronk@nag.aero or Tessa Jansen at tessa.jansen@nag.aero.
Sign up for '[Online Meeting] Hydrogen'
Deadline for registration has passed.
Please contact the NAG office for registration or questions.