Second event Hydrogen RHIA&NAG
Following the great interest in the first RHIA & NAG interactive workshop on the topic of hydrogen & aviation we would like to invite you once more to exchange thoughts on these disrupting technologies and find new ways to cooperate. RHIA & NAG have organized an interactive program with speakers from government, industry and academia which will take place live on October 7th 2021 from 13:00 – 17:00 live at Technology Park Ypenburg (TPY), who will be the host of the meeting.
The sustainable transformation of the aviation industry is a multi-disciplinary challenge. In this second session on hydrogen we are diving into the complexities of the supply chain and hope to find ways for the Dutch aerospace industry to contribute to this sustainable and connected vision for aviation. We will exchange thoughts on how to accelerate the development, integration, certification and maintenance of hydrogen related technologies. Think of the development of fuel cells for aviation or the conversion of gas turbines for burning hydrogen, but also of the development of new related control systems in the field of power and thermal management, batteries or cryogenic systems.
The aim of this event is to include SMEs, in particular to identify their potential role in the transition of the market to aircraft with hydrogen-based propulsion and to help to focus their R&D and business development activities on this and to identify cooperation opportunities, networking, forming consortia and discover ideas for follow-up sessions.
Welcome with coffee/tea at TPY
Welcoming by Stephen Hands, Managing Director TPY and associate partner Unified International
Introduction by Jan Verbeek, Vice-chairman at NAG/ Partner Knowledge Management and Innovation at ADSE
Stephen Hands: Accelerated path to zero emission aviation for Dutch Industry – HAPSS & Dutch H2 Hub
Paul Bogers, VP Hydrogen Shell: hydrogen supply system, airport refueling
Rick Claus, Sales Engineer Hydrogen: Hydrogen: the smallest molecule, the biggest impact!
Jan-Willem van Dijk and Job Rosenhart, Ministry of I&W: The National Hydrogen Programme in relation to aviation
Carlos Roberto Ilário da Silva, head of Zero Emissions at Embraer: the application of hydrogen in future aircraft
Break out sessions to engage in deeper discussion with knowledge institutions and knowledge carriers. Anyone can participate in two sessions
Wrap up
Jan-Willem van Dijk en Job Rosenhart: presentation about the government program components & instruments that are available for hydrogen
Discuss what concrete proposals we could put in place? Who is going to do what, who wants to work together? How are we going to organize that?
Network Drink
Target group
SMEs active in the aviation industry & airport development, and High Tech SMEs outside the traditional aviation sector, such as the automotive, maritime and cryogenic technology sector with knowledge of hydrogen systems or associated systems and processes.
Participation is free of charge.
The event is made possible by a TKI HTSM grant.
We hope to see you on the 7th of October to discuss the future of hydrogen in aviation.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact wilma.pronk@nag.aero.
Sign up for 'Second event Hydrogen RHIA&NAG'
Deadline for registration has passed.
Please contact the NAG office for registration or questions.