Segment Meetings – Aircraft Manufacturing – September 2019
We would like to invite you for the NAG's Segment Meetings on Friday September 27, 2019 from 09:30 - 14.00. We are pleased that Rotterdam The Hague Innovation Airport (RHIA) will host this meeting at Brasserie Waalhaven at Rotterdam The Hague Airport, an inspiring environment!
The purpose of the segment meetings is to share knowledge and discuss current topics within your segment.
The theme is: “Join us and develop the future of the aerospace & airport today - finding & funding the future".
Time schedule for the morning:
09:30 But first… coffee! (or tea)
10:00 Get informed at the plenary session
- Opening by Frank Jansen, Managing Director NAG and chairman of the day
- Presentation by Bert Hooijer, program director RHIA “Sustainable innovation now”
RHIA is the breeding ground for scalable product and service innovations in the aviation sector, with a positive and sustainable impact on the environment. Together with (project) partners from the regional and Dutch innovation ecosystem, innovation projects are realized that make the future of sustainable aviation a reality. -
Duo presentation by Roy Klein Veldink, head of the department of economics and aviation policy I&W and Job Rosenhart, adviser RVO industry – aviation “accelerating sustainable innovations in aviation”.
A conversation about what is needed to accelerate sustainable innovations; what priorities need to be set. What could a public-private partnership look like in order to optimally shape this acceleration. -
Presentation by Louis Aartman, Aviation Business Consultant Lucht- en Ruimtevaart Nederland (LRN) "Sustainable aviation: business threat or business opportunity?"
Aviation is the safest and fastest means of transportation and under great pressure to become significantly more sustainable through accelerating innovation and implementing changes in aircraft type, energy and business models. This huge transition will affect the whole ecosystem, and could be either be a threat or an opportunity for your business. Are you ready to stay on-board? -
Presentation by Olga Lubbers, Chief Engineer Project Phoenix “Project Phoenix”
Project Phoenix is a student team that focusses on making flying more sustainable and efficient by using liquid hydrogen and a boundary layer suction system challenging the way we are currently travelling.
11:00 A well-deserved break
11:15 Meeting your ‘own group’ - segment meetings
12:45 Food tastes better when you eat it together – lunch and wrap up of the day
14:00 The End!
We have done our best to find a trending topic for each segment that is interesting for everyone. See the result below.
Regardless of which segment you are active in, you can participate in a topic that appeals to your company. If your company is interested in participating in multiple sessions, feel free to sign up your colleagues as well. The more, the merrier!
Aircraft Manufacturing
”How do I fund my new product/innovation?!”.
Moderator: Jan Verbeek, partner/senior consultant ADSE and vice-chairman NAG
The session is about both attractive financial support for individual companies and partnerships. The entire range of instruments is covered for large companies, SMEs, start-ups, etc. The focus is on the national and regional instruments, and more specific in the field of sustainability.
- Karlo van Dam, managementteam Innovation&Knowledge EZK "Towards mission-driven innovation policy”
- Ineke van der Hee, Program director Electric and Hybrid Flying I&W “State of the art financial instruments in the field of sustainable aviation”
- Bert Klarus, Senior Business Developer Aerospace at InnovationQuarter “Fieldlabs & regional instruments to support innovation; some best practises in Zuid-Holland”
Casper Langerak (RVO consultant) is present to answer your individual questions about RVO's financial instruments.
Discussion "Do the government's financial instruments adequately match the needs of the sector? If not, what can the NAG do for you!
We look forward to welcoming you at Rotterdam The Hague Airport on September 27, 2019.
Sign up for 'Segment Meetings – Aircraft Manufacturing – September 2019'
Deadline for registration has passed.
Please contact the NAG office for registration or questions.