Aircraft Interiors Cluster
We would like to invite you to attend the meeting of the Aircraft Interiors Cluster on January 15, 2020 from 13:00 – 17:00 at Fokker Techniek in Hoogerheide. During the Aircraft Interiors Cluster meetings, we will not only discuss aircraft interiors. We would also like to invite everyone involved in cabin systems (i.e. water & waste, dirty water/toilet management and fire protection system) and services.
Theme: How to come to partnerships!
13:00 – 13:30 Welcome with coffee/tea
13:30 - 16:30 Meeting
- Opening
- Update of activities/business
- Elevator pitch participants
- Presentation by Maresh Boel, Product and Proposal Manager Fokker Techniek B.V. “The art of cabin completions”
- Workshop to determine how we could come to partnerships in the field of:
- Product development
- Joint customer approach with products/services
- Finding niches
- Operating together in market MRO
- Facility Tour Fokker Techniek
- Themes for upcoming meeting(s)
16:30 – 17:00 Network Drink
Fokker Techniek B.V.
Aviolandalaan 31
The costs are € 75,-- (ex VAT) per participant. For non-members of the NAG a price of € 97,50 - (ex VAT) per participant is applied.
NOTE: if you cancel your participation within 5 days before the meeting 50 euros will be charged.
We hope to welcome you on January 15th, 2020 at Fokker Techniek in Hoogerheide.
Sign up for 'Aircraft Interiors Cluster'
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