[Online Meeting] 3D Printing -cluster January 28th
After the first 3D cluster meeting last year, we would like to invite you for the next online 3D Printing -cluster meeting on Thursday January 28th from 16:00 pm - 17:30 pm. During this meeting of the 3D-cluster certification, qualification and regulation will be the central themes. These are topics that often are seen as barriers for succesfull use of 3D Printing technologies in aerospace and we have invited three insiders to explain more on these topics.
16:00 Welcome by Marcus Kremers, CTO at Airborne, board member NAG
16:05 Presentation and feedback on the FAA-EASA workshop on regulations by 3D Printing expert:
- Marc de Smit, R&D Engineer at NLR
16:20 2 case studies by 3D Printing insiders:
- Shane Collins, VP and General Manager at Additive Industries, a supplier of metal 3D Printing systems
- Renko Overmeen, Director Programs at Aeronamic, a manufacturer and potential user of 3D Printing
16:50 Break
17:00 Discussion
17:25 Rounding up and next steps
17:30 End of 3D-cluster meeting
In order to make the meeting accessible to as many participants as possible in COVID-19 times we have decided to organize the session online.
The NAG will not charge any costs for participating NAG members. For non-members the price is €250,- (ex VAT) per participant which will be returned in case of becoming a member in 2021.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Wilma Pronk at wilma.pronk@nag.aero or (+31) 6 53177571.
We look forward to welcoming you at the online 3D-cluster meeting on Thursday January 28th, 2021.
Sign up for '[Online Meeting] 3D Printing -cluster January 28th'
Deadline for registration has passed.
Please contact the NAG office for registration or questions.