[Online Meeting] Aerospace meets High Tech – High Tech solutions for Hybrid Electric Flying
We would like to invite your for the online workshop Aerospace meets High Tech “High Tech Solutions for Hybrid Electric Flying” on December 7th from 15:00 – 16:30. We will broadcast this meeting from the live setting of the high tech Applied Sciences Lab Aeronautical & Precision Engineering of Inholland Delft.
The workshop is hosted by the Brabant Development Agency (BOM) in close cooperation with Brainport Industries, KMWE and the NAG.
In the meeting on December 7th, we want to explore industrial collaboration opportunities between manufacturing and maintenance companies, technical service providers, start-ups and knowledge institutes from the aerospace sector and the high-tech industry from the Brainport region. We believe that this collaboration can benefit the conquest of industrial positions in new aircraft programs and at airports. By joining forces and knowledge, we can shorten product development times and improve business development opportunities, making it ready for programs that will take shape in the coming years. The aim is to have the ground operations emission-free by 2030, Europe wants to be climate neutral by 2050 and by 2070 the dot on the horizon for the Netherlands is flying completely emission-free. It takes time to enter new positions in aviation, but this should be possible with the available experience. Once you are in, delivery positions are decades.
Developments to make aviation more sustainable are gaining momentum, both for flying itself and for the operation of airports. The Netherlands has a more than excellent knowledge position through research at TU Delft and NLR, among others. Other TUs and Universities of Applied Sciences also contribute their share. In the Sustainable Aviation Agreement, the Dutch aviation sector has committed itself together with the government to high ambitions.
It is becoming increasingly clear which technological direction developments are taking. For aircraft, think of hybrid electric propulsion by means of electric motors, fuel cells (on hydrogen), hydrogen in compressed or liquid form and more electrical systems for driving mechanical systems and cabin climate. This must of course be light and small, but challenges in the field of cooling (for high-power electronics and hydrogen storage) and EMC are relatively new to aviation. However, other fuels and drives also mean something on the ground - for production and system maintenance, but also for airports. Switching from kerosene to electrical energy or hydrogen will also require a major change there. And the ground movements of aircraft and ground handling must also be emission-free, so there are also opportunities here.
The Dutch aerospace parties have an excellent position in the field of product development, certification, production as well as maintenance of lightweight construction (necessary to reduce energy consumption in any case) and all kinds of electrical and mechanical / engine parts. High-power electronics and hydrogen-related technologies are not or less known. However, these techniques are known in high-tech machine building and automotive or are now also being adopted there.
Welcome and introduction of the topic by Jan Verbeek, vice chairman NAG & Partner – Knowledge Management and Innovationat ADSE
Presentation by Martin Nagelsmit, Head of Environment and Policy Support & Electric Flight Programme Manager at NLR – Netherlands Aerospace Centre
Presentation by Matthijs de Haan, Business Development Saluqi Motors Aero – Retrofitting General Aviation with Electric Powertrains made in the Netherlands
Discussion in break-out sessions
Wrap up and next steps
End of meeting
Jan Verbeek will be the chairman of the webinar.
This online workshop “Aerospace meets high tech” is made possible by a topsector HTSM TKI grant.
If you have any further questions please send an email to Wilma Pronk at wilma.pronk@nag.aero or reach her by phone +31653177571.
We look forward to welcoming you to the online meeting Aerospace Meets High Tech on December 7th, 2020!
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