[Online Meeting] Aerospace meets High Tech – Digital Twin and Datafication
We would like to invite your for the online workshop Aerospace meets High Tech “Digital Twin & Datafication”.
When: December 7th
Time: 10:30 – 12:00
Where: Online!
The workshop is hosted by the Brabant Development Agency (BOM) in close cooperation with Brainport Industries, KMWE and the NAG.
How can you embrace digital twin & datafication with your company?
The innovative suppliers of components for aircraft, ships, wind turbines, production machines, heavy vehicles, medical equipment and the like are becoming increasingly important for making these systems more sustainable, safer and internationally more competitive.
For example, because a component supplied by them, during operational use of the system in which it is incorporated, can provide data about the actual wear and tear and the failure prediction based thereon and which replacement part should be used in due course. Even between the OEM, the end user and the supplier.
Linking the current data of individual components to maintenance history, certification registration and logistics planning etc. is the idea behind the digital twin and is becoming increasingly important for the OEM to make future-proof systems. To achieve this, they increasingly look to innovative suppliers who are able to participate in their digital twin development.
Welcome and introduction of the topic by Leo van der Ven, Business Development Consultant Siemens Digital Industries Software
Presentation by Jeroen Broekhuijsen, team lead Digital Twin at TNO: Vision on Digital Twin and Datafication: Where are we going to?
Presentation by Sarah de Smet, project manager Airborne: How do you do that? Lessons from practice
Discussion in separate meeting
Wrap up & next steps
And now get started! End of program
Leo van der Ven will be the chairman of the webinar.
This online workshop “Aerospace meets high tech” is made possible by a topsector HTSM TKI grant.
If you have any further questions please send an email to Wilma Pronk at wilma.pronk@nag.aero or reach her by phone +31653177571.
We look forward to welcoming you to the online meeting Aerospace Meets High Tech on December 7th, 2020!
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