NAG's General Members Assembly
It is our pleasure to invite you for our next General Members Assembly on Thursday, May 17, 2018 from 11:30 to 19:30 (lunch & dinner included). We organize an interesting program including a matchmake. For this part of the meeting we invited members of our German sister organization Niedersachsen Aviation and Enterprise Europe Network.
If there is sufficient interest, we offer you the opportunity to visit to the new AELS facilities at Twente Airport prior to the General Members Assembly. Derk Jan van Heerden, CEO & Founder AELS, would like to welcome you as a colleague NAG member at his company. At the beginning of this year, AELS received 2 Boeing 747s and 2 Airbus A340s at Twente Airport. During the visit you can see how the aircraft are disassembled and the components are processed. This opportunity is for members only.
11:30 Registration and lunch (members only)
12:30 General Members Assembly (members only)
- Opening
- Minutes of the meeting of December 6, 2017
- Announced and received documents from:
- Board
- Office
- Members
- Membership, introduction of new members:
- Antal International
- Avion Group
- MovingDot
- MTU Maintenance Lease Services
- Board subjects
- Finances of 2017
- NAG Activities
- Results of last month
- Agenda fot he upcoming months
- Question round
- Rounding up the General Members Assembly
13:30 Coffee break
13:45 Presentation by Joris Melkert, senior lecturer TU Delft Aerospace Engineering “A realistic view on the future of aviation. Don’t expect too much”
14:15 Interview with our hosts Steffen de Vries, CEO Aeronamic and Leon Lagendijk, Managing Director Evolves, by Frank Jansen
14:45 Guided Tour Aeronamic and EMS Evolves
16:15 Coffee break
16:30 Matchmake
17:45 Network Drink
18:15 Buffet Dinner
19:30 End of program